Case Study

New subsea cable venture due diligence

Salience supported IFC with detailed due diligence and business case vetting for the new subsea cable venture. Salience executed a comprehensive financial, strategic, regulatory and


Telkom Kenya digital due diligence

Salience supported Telekom Kenya’s management team with detailed due diligence of the Digital unit and developed a business plan to support fund raising. Salience executed


Broadband competence development

Salience provided Country Engagement and Plan (CEAP) to help achieve specific national broadband and digital economy goals in EBRD region The objective of the assignment


Privatisation analysis for the EBRD region

Salience provided recommendations for 4 EBRD countries- Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Tunisia concerning the best privatisation method of the state-owned dominant incumbent. The

Digital Operator

Internet access for all

The World Bank selected Salience and our partner TMG, to deliver an analysis of that will be used to help regulators implement better policy decisions