Salience provided Country Engagement and Plan (CEAP) to help achieve specific national broadband and digital economy goals in EBRD region
The objective of the assignment was to design a comprehensive, integrated and coherent framework which EBRD can draw upon to engage with policy makers, regulatory authorities, investors and other sector stakeholders in the EBRD region. The framework provided evidence-based experience and accompanied by technical assistance which could help achieve specific national broadband and digital economy goals in EBRD countries.
Country Engagement and Plan (CEAP) consisting of:
• information and data to overview effective international practice, trends and common issues experienced internationally
• identification of the information to enable outline determination of current national market status for broadband and telecom sector generally
• identification of activities to overcome impediments and ensure effective planning and execution of a successful national broadband programme
• Activity Modules covering Telecom infrastructure, National Programmes, 5G policies and Emerging Technologies
• Workshop and presentation of overall findings and recommendations