Joint public and private stakeholder workshop in partnership with TripleOKlaw LLP and the World Bank in Kenya

Salience Consulting held a joint public and private stakeholder workshop led by our partner Imtiaz Esmail and business analyst Viktorija Lazarova in partnership with our regulatory and PPP experts from TripleOKlaw LLP (Stephen Mallowah and Frank Raudo) and in collaboration with The World Bank, through the Kenya Digital Economy Acceleration Program (KDEAP).

The workshop presented a study that delivered a high-level implementation strategy and roadmap for the options for upgrading NOFBI and County networks. The study included creating digital formats of maps of the current areas served and areas to be served following a deep study on Demand and Supply, the Provision of last-mile connectivity infrastructure to public institutions; and an Assessment and recommendation of the business model that delivers the best economic and social return and one that best delivers the goals of bridging the digital divide in Kenya.

The workshop was attended by senior officials of ICTA and CA Kenya, private sector MNO’s, Wholesale providers, ISP’s and others wherein several great discussions materialized over the work we presented and digital maps we were able to capture over the last 6 months of our assignment. The data is going through validation with key stakeholders and will soon become publicly available.