Salience’s five years anniversary

Salience Consulting is proud to announce its 5th anniversary!

Salience was established in 2010 as a boutique consultancy offering services into a number of telecom operators in the region. With its main offices in JLT Dubai, Salience has been successful in developing solutions for its clients and now has a reach extending across the Middle East region, Asia and Levant.

After five years of service, we are proud of our successful projects providing advisory services to regulators, incumbent operators and to new market entrants. With our track record of satisfied clients, we look forward to many more years of business ahead.

Successful projects and satisfied clients is something we’ve worked hard to accomplish and we would like to acknowledge the hard work of the Salience team and the trust of our clients who made it all possible. Our goal has always been to serve key clients to the highest level of quality to ensure their continued success.

To celebrate this achievement Salience organised a trip to Macedonia – the homeland of Alexander the Great and Mother Teresa.