National Broadband Network launch in Qatar


Salience consultants worked to develop the Service Management framework, developing schemas and processes for systems and tools. Salience led the negotiations with Kahramaa and Ashghal to identify locations for central office sites and to build central offices inside electrical substation compounds.

Salience delivered a comprehensive set of services to help QNBN define their strategy, mission and vision and operating model, delivered as part of a consortium of consultancies to launch Qatar’s NBN wholesale operator

• Delivered network master planning, optimization, rollout and implementation planning, with calculated CapEx, revenue and NPV calculations for each rollout-zone in Qatar
• Provided vendor management programme, project reporting, and procurement controls
• Provided implementation advice based on a detailed business model
• Set criteria and selection of suitable sites for Central Offices
• Hands-on implementation including activities such as defining and negotiating placement of POPs in electrical substations
• Assistance given with benefits management and delivery of a comprehensive system for capturing and reporting the benefits delivered by its own service.

