Regulation, Economics and Governance

We work with governments, service providers and donor institutions to optimize decision making and implementation of public policy, regulation and public-private partnerships.   We also provide economic analyses to support the other Salience business practices, including statistical analysis, network costing, valuation and auction design.


  • Regulation and competition assessments
    We evaluate existing regulations and markets dynamics to develop policies and safeguards to promote healthy competition.
  • Cost-benefit analysis.
    We perform detailed assessments to weigh the economic benefits against the costs of policy and regulation options.
  • Legal and regulatory due diligence.
    We conduct thorough investigate to compliance with and/or optimality of legal and regulatory frameworks.
  • Policy advocacy.
    We act on behalf of stakeholders to develop strategies and assist in the achievement of their broader commercial goals.
  • Regulation drafting.
    We assist in the creation of clear and effective regulations governing behavior and outcomes in the ICT sector


  • ICT market and value chain analysis
    We analyze ICT markets, comprehensively identifying key players, economic relationships and opportunities for optimization.
  • Cost studies
    We conduct comprehensive techno-economic studies to determine the costs associated with various ICT services and infrastructure.
  • Pricing strategies
    We develop pricing models and strategies to ensure competitive and profitabile pricing for wholesale and retail ICT services.
  • Willingness-to-pay studies
    We assess consumer willingness to pay for services to guide universal service policies as well as pricing and product service offerings of service providers.


  • Governance strategy
    We design governance structures that promote transparency, accountability and effective decision-making with in ICT government institutions and service providers.
  • Organizational restructuring
    We assist organization in restructuring to improve efficiency, adaptability, and alignment with strategic goals.
  • Procurement and auction design
    We develop procurement processes and auction designs to ensure fair and efficient allocation of resources used to generate ICT products and services.
  • Training and Capacity building
    We provide training programs to build the capacity and skills of personnel in public and private sector.


  • Options analysis
    We identify and examine relevant partnership models to identify the best options for collaboration between public and private actors.
  • Risk modelling
    We develop models to assess and manage the risk public-private partnerships.
  • Rate of return and incentive compatibility assessment
    We evaluation the potential returns on investment for different actors for various ICT projects for maximizing long-term sustainability and partnership.
  • Transactions Support
    We offer comprehensive support throughout the transaction process from optimal design to competitive selection to negotiations to final agreement.